A.N. Curran

7 records found

Floods have become less deadly

An analysis of global flood fatalities 1975–2022

Floods are amongst the most frequent disasters in terms of human and economic impacts. This study provides new insights into the frequency of loss of life at the global scale, mortality fractions of the population exposed to floods, and underlying trends. A dataset is compiled ba ...
Reliable hazard analysis is crucial in the flood risk management of river basins. For the floodplains of large, developed rivers, flood hazard analysis often needs to account for the complex hydrology of multiple tributaries and the potential failure of dikes. Estimating this haz ...

Invited perspectives

How machine learning will change flood risk and impact assessment

Increasing amounts of data, together with more computing power and better machine learning algorithms to analyse the data, are causing changes in almost every aspect of our lives. This trend is expected to continue as more data keep becoming available, computing power keeps i ...

Flood risk analysis of embanked river systems

Probabilistic systems approaches for the Rhine and Po rivers

Flood risk analysis focused on small sections or regions of embanked systems ignores the dy-namics of large-scale floods through time and space. Resulting measures are oftentimes inef-ficient due to an over estimation of risk or be-cause they simply transfer risk downstream due t ...
To make informed flood risk management (FRM) decisions in large protected river systems, flood risk and hazard analyses should include the potential for dike breaching. 'Load interdependency' analyses attempt to include the system-wide effects of dike breaching while accounting f ...
Reliable hazard analysis is a crucial step in flood risk management, and for large river systems, the effects of breaches on downstream regions should be taken into account. Accounting for these breaches in hazard analyses is often termed ‘hydrodynamic system behaviour’ analyse ...
Hazard analysis is a crucial step in flood risk management, and for large rivers, the effects of breaches need to be taken into account. Hazard analyses that incorporate this overall “system behaviour” have become increasingly popular in flood risk assessment. Methods to perform ...