Ke Yin

3 records found


The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) global warming event at ∼56 million years before present changed catchment weathering and erosion. Increased chemical weathering of silicate minerals is thought to be an important process removing CO2 from the atmosphere. ...

In recent years, some sapphires were found to fade in sunlight and to increase their color after UV irradiation. This unstable color phenomenon is attributed to the photochromism of corundum. The photochromic effect seriously affects the grading and evaluation of sapphires, al ...

Smectites affecting water and soil exchangeable cations, especially potassium and ammonium related to plants, are common swelling clay minerals in sediments and paleosols that can record paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic information. Paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic int ...