6 records found

The ANET project aims at developing 2D compact neutron collimators for neutron imaging applications. The results of the ANET collimator performances, presented in this communication, are based on data collected at the FISH beamline at TU-Delft. Two independent methods to evaluate ...
Some infectious diseases, including COVID-19, can undergo airborne transmission. This may happen at close proximity, but as time indoors increases, infections can occur in shared room air despite distancing. We propose two indicators of infection risk for this situation, that is, ...
Natural gas hydrates production tests over the last two decades has sown that production is not without risks. Indirect effects in the sedimentary rocks of phase changes are changes in porosity, permeability, and saturation. From a field production test site, porosity changes in ...
Quantum computer chip based on spin qubits in diamond uses modules that are entangled with on-chip optical links. This enables an increased connectivity and a negligible crosstalk and error-rate when the number of qubits increases on-chip. Here, 3D integration is the key enabling ...
Additively manufactured (AM) biodegradable magnesium (Mg) scaffolds with precisely controlled and fully interconnected porous structures offer unprecedented potential as temporary bone substitutes and for bone regeneration in critical-sized bone defects. However, current attempts ...