
14 records found


Reducing waiting times is crucial for ports to be efficient and competitive. Important causes of waiting times are cascading interactions between realistic hydrodynamics, accessibility policies, vessel-priority rules, and detailed berth availability. The main challenges are deter ...

Purpose: Maintenance dredging can often hinder port operations resulting in waiting times for seagoing vessels. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the dynamics between maintenance dredging activities and seagoing vessels, specifically focusing on how waiting times can ...

The planning and construction of offshore wind parks reduces the margin for error of nearby shipping activities. During the last couple of years, several incidents on the North Sea have raised the attention for the risk of ship-ship and ship-infrastructure collisions. Although of ...
PIANC Task Group 234 concludes that the “path to decarbonization of inland waterway transport is different for different corridors and in different countries”. This calls for an approach that can consider largescale differences as well as local influences when evaluating the emis ...


Trajectory prediction for drifting ship allision probability calculations

A trajectory prediction-based method for probability calculations to improve our understanding of drifting ship allision risks in the Dutch North Sea region

The expansion of offshore wind farms in the North Sea has raised serious concerns about maritime safety, in particular the increased risk of collisions—or 'allisions'—where a ship adrift hits a stationary structure, such as a wind turbine. For Rijkswaterstaat, the executive agenc ...
As the frequency and intensity of natural disasters increase, there is growing recognition of the need to address climate change and limit the increase in global average temperature. The shipping industry, which contributes 2.9% to global anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, p ...
Lock passage can potentially make up a third of a vessel’s travel time for inland waterway transport and therefore has a large impact on inland waterway and multimodal transport networks.
To reduce the overall environmental and economical impact of transport, there is an incr ...

The ship domain in port areas

A case study in the Port of Rotterdam

Increased complexity on the waterway asks for more insight into distances between vessels. A method is created to determine the ship domain in a port area based on AIS data analysis. The method includes location, encounter types, relative position and ship-specific parameters.
Currently, inland waterway safety assessments rely heavily on historic accident data and expert opinions, often lacking comprehensive qualitative and quantitative information. Addressing this gap, this thesis introduces a method based on Automatic Identification System (AIS) data ...

The impact of low river discharge levels on seaport terminal processes

A case study assessing the impact of Rhine low discharges on a dry bulk terminal using vessel movement data

The increasing severity of river drought poses a potential threat to the operations of ports using rivers as hinterland connections. River droughts have impacted navigation in various rivers worldwide, including the Rhine river where instances of low water levels in 2018 and 2022 ...

Estimate vessel emissions in ports using AIS data

A study to identify emission distribution patterns in ports and evaluate emission reduction strategies

The shipping industry is responsible for almost 3% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions and is looking for possibilities to reduce their share. The demand for lowering the emissions of the maritime industry creates the need for insight in the emissions. Currently a generic met ...
The pressure to reduce emissions in the sector of inland shipping is increasing. Especially considering emissions of environmental pollutants, the increasing pressure gives rise to the question how to get insight into emissions distributions along an inland waterway network. In ...