CWJ Beenakker

26 records found

Breathing mode in open-orbit magnetotransport

A magnetic lens with a quantum mechanical focal length

We consider the propagation of electrons in a lattice with an anisotropic dispersion in the x-y plane (lattice constant a), such that it supports open orbits along the x axis in an out-of-plane magnetic field B. We show that a point source excites a "breathing mode,"a state that ...
A quantum computer needs the assistance of a classical algorithm to detect and identify errors that affect encoded quantum information. At this interface of classical and quantum computing the technique of machine learning ...
Majorana zero modes in a superconductor are midgap states localized in the core of a vortex or bound to the end of a nanowire. They are anyons with non-Abelian braiding statistics, but when they are immobile one cannot demonstrate this by exchanging them in real space and indirec ...