Rosário Veiga

5 records found

RILEM TC 277-LHS report

Properties of lime-based renders and plasters—discussion of current test methods and proposals for improvement

Renders and plasters have significant functions in buildings. Their functionality is closely related to their properties, which depend on the mortar itself, the application technology, the interaction with the environment and the substrate. There are many basic characteristics th ...

RILEM TC 277-LHS report

Lime-based mortars for restoration–a review on long-term durability aspects and experience from practice

For conservation interventions of historic masonry generally lime-based mortars such as pure air lime mortars, lime-pozzolan mortars, natural hydraulic lime mortars and ternary mortars (lime-pozzolan-cement) are used. The main reason is that their hygric and mechanical (strength ...

Correction to

Consolidation of renders and plasters (Materials and Structures, (2017), 50, 1, (65), 10.1617/s11527-016-0894-5)

Due to an unfortunate turn of events, the article title was only partly given in the article next to the fact that the list of TC members had accidently been left out. Please find in this erratum the correct article title and the list of TC members. Both should be considered as p ...
The potentialities of nanomaterials for applica- tion in the field of conservation have been widely investi- gated in the last two decades. Among nanomaterials, nanolimes, i.e., dispersions of lime nanoparticles in alco- hols are promising consolidating products for calcareous ma ...
The paper addresses the consolidation of plasters and renders showing loss of cohesion, with the use of a treatment with a liquid consolidating product aiming to reach a depth of several mm up to several cm. The main aim of the paper is offering a guideline on how to choose a con ...