Andrea Rosa

4 records found



A profiler for Akka actors in parallel and distributed applications

Nowadays, numerous programming languages and frameworks offer concurrency based on the actor model. Among the actor libraries for the Java Virtual Machine, Akka is the most used one, as it is employed in various parallel and distributed applications and frameworks. Unfortunate ...

Catching failures of failures at big-data clusters

A two-level neural network approach

Big-data applications are becoming the core of today's business operations, featuring complex data structures and high task fan-out. According to the publicly available Google trace, more than 40% of big-data jobs do not reach successful completion. Interestingly, a significan ...

Message exchange is a central activity in distributed computing frameworks. Nevertheless, past research has paid little attention on profiling techniques and tools for endpoint communication. In this paper, we fill this gap by introducing a new fine-grained profiler for endpoi ...