Handle driven character skinning is widely favored in animation applications due to its advantages of intuitiveness, effectiveness and simplicity. A research thread to realize this is to compute a proper weighting distribution on points associated with specified handles like poin
Handle driven character skinning is widely favored in animation applications due to its advantages of intuitiveness, effectiveness and simplicity. A research thread to realize this is to compute a proper weighting distribution on points associated with specified handles like points, bars or skeleton, which is critical to the quality of manipulation and can be utilized to produce animation by controlling
user handles. In this work, we introduce a new skinning method that is compatible with different model representations, with a key idea of evaluating the local influence of each handle by decomposing the shape domain into small
overlapped regions. Thanks to its well-designed formulation, the computation of weights and update of models can be conducted in par-allel on GPU, leading to high efficiency and good visual quality supported by the provided experimental and statistical results in this paper.@en