Ahmed Nasri

4 records found

Fracture distribution along open folds in southern Tunisia

Implications for naturally fractured reservoirs

Fracture networks play a critical role in fluid flow within reservoirs, and it is therefore important to understand the interactions and influences of these networks. Our study focuses on the Southern Chotts–Jeffara Basin, which hosts reservoirs within Triassic, Permian and Ordov ...
The southern Chotts basin (SCB), Central Tunisia, has shown hydrocarbon potential since the end of the 1980s. This basin records a complex structural history which appears decoupled at the Hercynian or Variscan unconformity. The Paleozoic series is deformed by short to medium wav ...

Analysis of the pre- and post-Variscan unconformity deformations

New insights for the characterization of the Ordovician and Triassic reservoirs in the southern Chotts Basin, Tunisia