
M.J.P. van Zuijlen

14 records found

Pictorial research can rely on computational or human annotations. Computational annotations offer scalability, facilitating so-called distant-viewing studies. On the other hand, human annotations provide insights into individual differences, judgments of subjective nature. In th ...
Visual motion computation is challenging under real-world conditions due to continuous contextual changes such as varying lighting conditions and a large range of optical material properties. Due to these changes the retinal optical flow can drastically vary while the physical mo ...
A common strategy for improving model robustness is through data augmentations. Data augmentations encourage models to learn desired invariances, such as invariance to horizontal flipping or small changes in color. Recent work has shown that arbitrary style transfer can be used a ...

Soft like velvet and shiny like satin

Perceptual material signatures of fabrics depicted in 17th century paintings

Dutch 17th century painters were masters in depicting materials and their properties in a convincing way. Here, we studied the perception of the material signatures and key image features of different depicted fabrics, like satin and velvet. We also tested whether the perception o ...

Materials in Paintings (MIP)

An interdisciplinary dataset for perception, art history, and computer vision

In this paper, we capture and explore the painterly depictions of materials to enable the study of depiction and perception of materials through the artists’ eye. We annotated a dataset of 19k paintings with 200k+ bounding boxes from which polygon segments were automatically extr ...

On the Painterly Depiction of Materials

An Interdisciplinary Study on the Depiction and Perception of Materials within Paintings

The world around us is filled with materials. Our ability of visual material perception informs us how to navigate and interact with our environment. It tells us, for example, whether food is fresh, if a chair is strong enough to sit on, how much force to use to pick up a glass, ...
Deep learning has paved the way for strong recognition systems which are often both trained on and applied to natural images. In this paper, we examine the give-and-take relationship between such visual recognition systems and the rich information available in the fine arts. Firs ...
Painters are masters of depiction and have learned to evoke a clear perception of materials and material attributes in a natural, three-dimensional setting, with complex lighting conditions. Furthermore, painters are not constrained by reality, meaning that they could paint mater ...

Conventions and temporal differences in painted faces

A study of posture and color distribution

The human face is a popular motif in art and depictions of faces can be found throughout history in nearly every culture. Artists have mastered the depiction of faces after employing careful experimentation using the relatively limited means of paints and oils. Many of the result ...
Light takes just a short moment to travel from one point to another and to reach our eyes. Always immersed in the experience of light, we tend to take this for granted. @en