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J.J.M. Evers
Academic Work (20)
Book chapter (3)
Conference paper (7)
Journal article (7)
Report (3)
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20 records found
Hoe de woningmarkt is vlot te trekken
Journal article (2011) -
J.J.M. Evers (author)
Road-rail hybrid transport; a new modality for the Rine-Schelde area
Book chapter (2006) -
J.J.M. Evers (author)
Gecontroleerd hard rijden op de Zuiderzeelijn
Journal article (2005) -
J.J.M. Evers (author)
RJL Postulart (author)
CJ Stam (author)
Snel vervoer op aanvraag: Concept en verkenning met de Zuiderzeelijn als casus
Journal article (2005) -
J.J.M. Evers (author)
Road-rail hybrid transport: a new modality for the Rhine-Schelde Delta area
Book chapter (2005) -
J.J.M. Evers (author)
FAMAS modeling and simulation; a generic model for deep sea terminals in the Port of Rotterdam
Book chapter (2004) -
M. B. Duinkerken (author)
Mark Duinkerken (author)
Mark B. Duinkerken (author)
M.B. Duinkerken (author)
J.J.M. Evers (author)
J.A. Ottjes (author)
Improving travel-time reliability by the use of trip booking
Journal article (2004) -
R de Feijter (author)
J.J.M. Evers (author)
Gabriël Lodewijks (author)
Gabriel Lodewijks (author)
G Lodewijks (author)
G. Lodewijks (author)
Gabri Lodewijks (author)
Centralized versus distributed feeder ship service: the case of the maasvlakte harbour area of Rotterdam
Journal article (2004) -
J.J.M. Evers (author)
R de Feijter (author)
Centrale versus gespreide feederservice op de Maasvlakte
Journal article (2003) -
J.J.M. Evers (author)
Improving travel time reliability by use of trip booking
Conference paper (2003) -
R de Feijter (author)
J.J.M. Evers (author)
Gabriël Lodewijks (author)
Gabriel Lodewijks (author)
G Lodewijks (author)
G. Lodewijks (author)
Gabri Lodewijks (author)
The Rhine Delta Transport System: concept and analysis of the market potential
Report (2002) -
J.J.M. Evers (author)
Logistics as interaction of intelligent actors: the case of a container terminal
Conference paper (2002) -
J.J.M. Evers (author)
DG Lindeijer (author)
HJ Wierenga (author)
Camera-Based Local Positioning System for MiniWorld: A Fleet of 25 Small AGV's
Conference paper (2002) -
EH Furnee (author)
J van Baarlen (author)
J.J.M. Evers (author)
DG Lindeijer (author)
The new port is a network of logistics services centers: a case study of the Rhine Delta Transport System
Report (2002) -
J.J.M. Evers (author)
Een intelligent transportsysteem voor de Rijndelta kan een reeel alternatief bieden voor het randstedelijke containertransport
Journal article (2002) -
J.J.M. Evers (author)
Lorant Antal Tavasszy (author)
Lori Tavasszy (author)
LA Tavasszy (author)
Lóránt Antal Tavasszy (author)
Lórant Tavasszy (author)
Lorant Tavasszy (author)
Lóránt Tavasszy (author)
Lorant A. Tavasszy (author)
Lóránt A. Tavasszy (author)
Lóri Tavasszy (author)
AD Heyning (author)
A rail-road hybrid vehicle: dynamic stability analysis
Conference paper (2002) -
CH Verheul (author)
J.J.M. Evers (author)
The road/rail hybrid vehicle: concept and mechanical lateral stability
Report (2002) -
J.J.M. Evers (author)
CH Verheul (author)
Centralised versus distributed feeder service: the case of the Maasvlakte-Rotterdam
Conference paper (2002) -
J.J.M. Evers (author)
R de Feijter (author)
Trip booking: dynamic capacity reservation on dedicated infrastructure
Conference paper (2002) -
J.J.M. Evers (author)
R de Feijter (author)
Improving quay transport on automated container terminals
Conference paper (2002) -
M. B. Duinkerken (author)
Mark Duinkerken (author)
Mark B. Duinkerken (author)
M.B. Duinkerken (author)
J.J.M. Evers (author)
J.A. Ottjes (author)