Marloes Mul
17 records found
Water Accounting Plus
Limitations and opportunities for supporting integrated water resources management in the Middle East and North Africa
This research explores the limitations and opportunities of Water Accounting Plus (WA+) for addressing water management issues in the MENA, focusing on Jordan. A comprehensive literature review and interview-based analysis were conducted to identify prevalent water management iss
Water resources management (WRM) models have traditionally distributing water based on system capacities, economic efficiency, and demand (Loucks and Van Beek 2017). However, these efficiency-oriented models often fail to address water distribution inequities (Savenije and Van De
Water resources assessments are essential for effective planning in water-scarce regions such as Jordan. Such assessments require sufficient data in space and time. The WaPOR-based Water Accounting Plus (WA +) framework is relevant as it integrates remote sensing data and the Pix
The construction of the Akosombo and Kpong dams in the Lower Volta River basin in Ghana changed the downstream riverine ecosystem and affected the lives of downstream communities, particularly those who lost their traditional livelihoods. In contrast to the costs borne by those i
Remote sensing (RS) data are becoming an increasingly important source of information for water resource management as they provide spatially distributed data on water availability and use. However, in order to guide appropriate use of the data, it is important to understand the
Uncertainty assessment of satellite remote-sensing-based evapotranspiration estimates
A systematic review of methods and gaps
Satellite remote sensing (RS) data are increasingly being used to estimate total evaporation, often referred to as evapotranspiration (ET), over large regions. Since RS-based ET (RS-ET) estimation inherits uncertainties from several sources, many available studies have assessed t
May the Odds Be in Your Favor
Why Many Attempts to Reoperate Dams for the Environment Stall
The provision of flows for the environment, e-flows, is a means to restore the benefits of naturally flowing rivers. Despite the development of numerous methodologies to determine e-flows and optimize dam releases, actual implementation is relatively limited. Examples of successf
Uncertainty in Satellite Remote Sensing Derived Evapotranspiration Estimation
Current Status and Assessment Methods
Evapotranspiration (ET), a key variable in both water and energy cycles. It is very challenging to measure or estimate in large regions. Among many approaches to estimate ET indirectly (e.g. through hydrological modelling), models that are based on satellite remote sensing data (
A framework for irrigation performance assessment using WaPOR data
The case of a sugarcane estate in Mozambique
The growing competition for finite land and water resources and the need to feed an ever-growing population require new techniques to monitor the performance of irrigation schemes and improve land and water productivity. Datasets from FAO's portal to monitor Water Productivity th
The clam and the dam
A Bayesian belief network approach to environmental flow assessment in a data scarce region
The Volta clam, Galatea paradoxa, is a freshwater macrobenthic bivalve which is endemic to the Lower Volta River in Ghana. The range of occurrence of the clam has been influenced by the flow regime in the Lower Volta which is in turn controlled by operation of two dams located up
Re-operating dams for environmental flows
From recommendation to practice
Dam construction and operation are known to alter the hydrology of rivers and degrade riverine ecosystems. In recent decades, the call to reverse these negative impacts by re-operating dams has become stronger. Dams can support riverine ecosystems by releasing environmental flows
Multiobjective analysis of green-blue water uses in a highly utilized basin
Case study of Pangani Basin, Africa
The concept of integrated water resource management (IWRM) attempts to integrate all elements of water resources. Different tools are developed to assist in developing sound IWRM plans. One such tool is multiobjective analysis using an integrated hydro-economic model (IHEM). Howe
Mapping ecological production and benefits from water consumed in agricultural and natural landscapes
A case study of the Pangani Basin
Scarcity of information on the water productivity of different water, land, and other ecosystems in Africa, hampers the optimal allocation of the limited water resources. This study presents an innovative method to quantify the spatial variability of biomass production, crop yiel
Land-use and land-cover changes are driving unprecedented changes in ecosystems and environmental processes at different scales. This study was aimed at identifying the potential land-use drivers in the Jedeb catchment of the Abbay basin by combining statistical analysis, field i
To meet growing population demands for food and other agricultural commodities, agricultural land-use intensification and extensification seems to be increasing in the Abbay (Upper Blue Nile) basin in Ethiopia. However, the amount, location and degree of suitability of the basin
Land use change and suitability assessment in the Upper Blue Nile basin under water resources and socio-economic constraints
A drive towards a decision support system
The Upper Blue Nile is home to a large human and livestock population that live in diverse biophysical and socio-economic environment. The basin is increasingly experiencing multi-dimensional pressures including population growth, climate change and variability, deforestation, la