Geoff Boeing
2 records found
Exploring the nexus of urban form, transport, environment and health in large-scale urban studies
A state-of-the-art scoping review
As the world becomes increasingly urbanised, there is recognition that public and planetary health relies upon a ubiquitous transition to sustainable cities. Disentanglement of the complex pathways of urban design, environmental exposures, and health, and the magni ...
As the world becomes increasingly urbanised, there is recognition that public and planetary health relies upon a ubiquitous transition to sustainable cities. Disentanglement of the complex pathways of urban design, environmental exposures, and health, and the magni ...
Global Healthy and Sustainable City Indicators
Collaborative development of an open science toolkit for calculating and reporting on urban indicators internationally
Measuring and monitoring progress towards achieving healthy, equitable and sustainable cities is a priority for planners, policymakers and researchers in diverse contexts globally. Yet data collection, analysis, visualisation and reporting on policy and spatial indicators involve