66 records found

While probabilistic constellation shaping (PCS) enables rate and reach adaption with finer granularity [1] (Cho and Winzer, 2009), it imposes signal processing challenges at the receiver. Since the distribution of PCS-quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) signals tends to be Gaus ...
Rogue waves are sudden and extreme occurrences, with heights that exceed twice the significant wave height of their neighboring waves. The formation of rogue waves has been attributed to several possible mechanisms such as linear superposition of random waves, dispersive focusing ...
Lax-integrable partial differential equations (PDEs) can by definition be described through a compatibility condition between two linear operators. These operators are said to form a Lax pair for the PDE, which itself is usually nonlinear. Lax pairs are a very useful tool, but un ...

Fast Single-Mode Fiber Nonlinearity Monitoring

An Experimental Comparison Between Split-Step and Nonlinear Fourier Transform-Based Methods

We experimentally investigate the problem of monitoring the Kerr-nonlinearity coefficient $\gamma$ from transmitted and received data for a single-mode fiber link of 1600 km length. We compare the accuracy and speed of three different approaches. First, a standard split-step Four ...
The shallow waters off the coast of Norderney in the southern North Sea are characterised by a higher frequency of rogue wave occurrences than expected. Here, rogue waves refer to waves exceeding twice the significant wave height. The role of nonlinear processes in the generation ...
Riemann theta functions play a crucial role in the field of nonlinear Fourier analysis, where they are used to realize inverse nonlinear Fourier transforms for periodic signals. The practical applicability of this approach has however been limited since Riemann theta functions ar ...
Recently, a novel parameter identification method for partial differential equations based on the Koopman operator framework has been proposed. We evaluate its suitability for the identification of single span optical fiber links of various lengths in simulations.@en
We present a fast method to calculate the significantly large solitonic components of signals with large time-bandwidth products governed by the nonlinear Schrödinger equation, for which the computation typically becomes prohibitively expensive and/or numerically unstable. We par ...
When a large number of solitons dominates the dynamics of a system, scientists describe this collective behaviour of solitons as a soliton gas. Soliton gases are currently the subject of intense practical and theoretical investigations. The existence of soliton gases has been con ...
Recently, a nonlinear Fourier transform-based Kerr-nonlinearity identification algorithm was demonstrated for a 1000 km NZDSF link with accuracy of 75%. Here, we demonstrate an accuracy of 99% over 1600 km SSMF. Reasons for improved accuracy are discussed.@en
Large vessels propagating in narrow, shallow maritime waterways generate a system of ship-induced waves consisting of long-period primary waves and short-period secondary waves. Progressive long-period free-surface wave systems are governed by the Korteweg–de Vries (KdV) equation ...
High-symbol-rate coherent optical transceivers suffer more from the critical responses of transceiver components at high frequency, especially when applying a higher order modulation format. Recently, we proposed in [20] a neural network (NN)-based digital pre-distortion (DPD) te ...
Recently, a nonlinear Fourier transform-based Kerr-nonlinearity identification algorithm was demonstrated for a 1000 km NZDSF link with accuracy of 75%. Here, we demonstrate an accuracy of 99% over 1600 km SSMF. Reasons for improved accuracy are discussed.@en
Fast millimeter wave (mmWave) channel estimation techniques based on compressed sensing (CS) suffer from low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the channel measurements, due to the use of wide beams. To address this problem, we develop an in-sector CS-based mmWave channel estimation ...
In this paper, we study the propagation of bores over a long distance. We employ experimental data as input for numerical simulations using COULWAVE. The experimental flume is extended numerically to an effective relative length of x/h=3000, which allows all far-field solitons to ...
Rogue waves are extreme waves in the ocean that appear from nowhere and disappear without a trace. They are usually modelled by the nonlinear Schrödinger equation (NLS), which describes nonlinear phenomena such as modulational instability and solitons on finite backgrounds. In th ...
We present the first method for the joint modulation of the continuous and the discrete nonlinear Fourier spectrum of finite duration signals.@en
We propose a numerical algorithm that computes the eigenvalues of the Korteweg–de Vries equation (KdV) from sampled input data with vanishing boundary conditions. It can be used as part of the Non-linear Fourier Transform (NFT) for the KdV equation. The algorithm that we propose ...
We present a simple, efficient “direct learning” approach to train Volterra series-based pre-distortion filters using neural networks. We show its superior performance over conventional training methods using a 64-QAM 64 GBaud simulated transmitter with varying transmitter nonli ...
We propose a novel method for blind polarization-demultiplexing of probabilistically shaped signals for coherent receivers. The method is capable of separating signals with (quasi) Gaussian distributions by exploiting temporal correlations added to the transmit signals. The propo ...