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HJ van Breen
Academic Work (57)
Book (1)
Conference paper (16)
Doctoral thesis (1)
Journal article (2)
Report (37)
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57 records found
Condition assessment of stator insulation using partial discharge diagnostics
Doctoral thesis (2005) -
HJ van Breen (author)
Several aspects of stator insulation condition cased maintenance
Conference paper (2004) -
HJ van Breen (author)
E. Gulski (author)
JJ Smit (author)
Stator insulation weak spot localization on a 6 kV synchronous motor
Conference paper (2004) -
HJ van Breen (author)
E. Gulski (author)
Johan Smit (author)
G Mijnen (author)
PD activity as a means to classify insulation degradation of large turbo generators
Conference paper (2003) -
HJ van Breen (author)
E. Gulski (author)
M Krieg-Wezelenburg (author)
Performance analysis of different on-line PD measurement tehcniques for usage on turbo generators
Conference paper (2003) -
HJ van Breen (author)
E. Gulski (author)
JJ Smit (author)
HFA Verhaart (author)
W de Leeuw (author)
Partial discharge weak spots localization in the stator insulation of running turbo generators
Conference paper (2003) -
HJ van Breen (author)
E. Gulski (author)
JJ Smit (author)
Pitfalls of on-line PD measurements on turbo generators using external PD sensors
Conference paper (2003) -
HJ van Breen (author)
E. Gulski (author)
JJ Smit (author)
HFA Verhaart (author)
W de Leeuw (author)
Knowledge rules - for partial discharge diagnosis in service
Journal article (2003) -
E. Gulski (author)
D Allan (author)
T Okamoto (author)
BT Phung (author)
H Sedding (author)
HJ van Breen (author)
FJ Wester (author)
TR Blackburn (author)
A Contin (author)
E Gockenbach (author)
E Lemke (author)
L Lundgaard (author)
T Mizutani (author)
GC Montanari (author)
M Muhr (author)
Knowledge rules for partial discharge diagnosis in service
Book (2003) -
E. Gulski (author)
D Allan (author)
T Okamoto (author)
BT Phung (author)
H Sedding (author)
HJ van Breen (author)
FJ Wester (author)
TR Blackburn (author)
A Contin (author)
E Gockenbach (author)
E Lemke (author)
L Lundgaard (author)
T Mizutani (author)
GC Montanari (author)
M Muhr (author)
Experience with on-line PD measurements on generators in frequency and time domain
Conference paper (2002) -
HJ van Breen (author)
E. Gulski (author)
JJ Smit (author)
HFA Verhaart (author)
W de Leeuw (author)
PD2Scope meting met TTFA analyse Stoomturbine eenheid RoCa centrale
Report (2002) -
HJ van Breen (author)
Transiëntmetingen RoCa centrale
Report (2002) -
HJ van Breen (author)
Standardization of on-line VHF PD measurements on turbo generators
Journal article (2002) -
HJ van Breen (author)
E. Gulski (author)
JJ Smit (author)
HFA Verhaart (author)
W de Leeuw (author)
M Krieg-Wezelenburg (author)
PDMonitor meting stoomturbine RoCa centrale 25-4-2002 t/m 30-4-2002
Report (2002) -
HJ van Breen (author)
On-line deelontladingsmeting Hemweg 8 op 3-april-2002
Report (2002) -
HJ van Breen (author)
Transiënt metingen Eemscentrale van 10-12-2001
Report (2002) -
HJ van Breen (author)
On-line PD meting aan Maasvlakte 2 (met TTFA evaluatie methode)
Report (2002) -
HJ van Breen (author)
Interpretation of on-line VHF PD measurements on turbo generators
Conference paper (2002) -
HJ van Breen (author)
E. Gulski (author)
Johan Smit (author)
HFA Verhaart (author)
SAS for PD Handleiding
Report (2002) -
HJ van Breen (author)
Transiënten op a-synchrone motoren in de praktijk
Report (2002) -
HJ van Breen (author)