5G promises to shift Industry 4.0 to the next level by allowing flexible production. However, many communication standards are used throughout a production site, which will stay so in the foreseeable future. Furthermore, localization of assets will be equally valuable in order to
5G promises to shift Industry 4.0 to the next level by allowing flexible production. However, many communication standards are used throughout a production site, which will stay so in the foreseeable future. Furthermore, localization of assets will be equally valuable in order to get to a higher level of automation. This paper proposes a reference architecture for a convergent localization and communication network for smart manufacturing that combines 5G with other existing technologies and focuses on high-mix, low-volume applications, particularly at small and medium-sized enterprises. The architecture is derived from a set of functional requirements, and we describe different views on this architecture to show how the requirements can be fulfilled. It connects private and public mobile networks with local networking technologies to achieve a flexible setup addressing many industrial use cases.