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P Moenne-Loccoz
Academic Work (9)
Journal article (9)
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9 records found
The millisecond intermediate in the reaction of nitric oxide with oxymmyoglobin is an iron (III)-nitrato complex, not a peroxynitrite
Journal article (2009) -
ET Yukl (author)
S. de Vries (author)
Simon De Vries (author)
S De Vries (author)
Simon de Vries (author)
S de Vries (author)
S. De Vries (author)
P Moenne-Loccoz (author)
Resonance Raman characterization of a high-spin six-coordinate iron (III) intermediate in metmyoglobin-azido complex formation trapped by microsecond freeze-hyperquenching (MHQ)
Journal article (2005) -
S Lu (author)
FGM Wiertz (author)
S. de Vries (author)
S. De Vries (author)
Simon De Vries (author)
S De Vries (author)
Simon de Vries (author)
S de Vries (author)
P Moenne-Loccoz (author)
Two CO molecules can bind concomitantly at the diiron site of NO reductase from Bacillus azotoformans
Journal article (2004) -
S Lu (author)
S Suharti (author)
S. De Vries (author)
S De Vries (author)
S de Vries (author)
S. de Vries (author)
Simon De Vries (author)
Simon de Vries (author)
P Moenne-Loccoz (author)
Biophysical and structural analysis of a novel heme B iron ligation in the flavocytochrome cellobiose dehydrogenase
Journal article (2003) -
FA Rotsaert (author)
BM Hallberg (author)
S. de Vries (author)
S de Vries (author)
Simon De Vries (author)
S. De Vries (author)
Simon de Vries (author)
S De Vries (author)
P Moenne-Loccoz (author)
C Divne (author)
V Renganathan (author)
MH Gold (author)
Purification and characterization of MQH2: NO oxioreductase (qNOR) from the hyperthermophilic Archaeon Pyrobaculum aerophilum
Journal article (2003) -
S de Vries (author)
Simon de Vries (author)
S. De Vries (author)
S De Vries (author)
Simon De Vries (author)
S. de Vries (author)
M.J.F. Strampraad (author)
Marc J.F. Strampraad (author)
S Lu (author)
P Moenne-Loccoz (author)
I Schröder (author)
Nitric oxide in biological denitrification: Fe/Cu metalloenzyme and metal complex NOx redox chemistry
Journal article (2002) -
IM Wasser (author)
S. De Vries (author)
Simon de Vries (author)
S de Vries (author)
S De Vries (author)
Simon De Vries (author)
S. de Vries (author)
P Moenne-Loccoz (author)
I Schröder (author)
KD Karlin (author)
Nitric oxide reductase from Paracoccus denitrificans contains an oxo-bridged heme/non-heme diiron center.
Journal article (2000) -
P Moenne-Loccoz (author)
OMH Richter (author)
H Huang (author)
IM Wasser (author)
G Ghiladi (author)
KD Karlin (author)
Simon de Vries (author)
S. De Vries (author)
S de Vries (author)
S. de Vries (author)
S De Vries (author)
Simon De Vries (author)
Structural characterization of the catalytic high-spin heme-B of nitric-oxide reductase - a resonance Raman-study.
Journal article (1998) -
P Moenne-Loccoz (author)
S. de Vries (author)
Simon De Vries (author)
S de Vries (author)
S. De Vries (author)
S De Vries (author)
Simon de Vries (author)
Resonance Raman-study of nitric-oxide reductase - A distant member of the cyctochrome-oxidase superfamily.
Journal article (1998) -
P Moenne-Loccoz (author)
TM Loehr (author)
S. de Vries (author)
S de Vries (author)
S De Vries (author)
Simon De Vries (author)
S. De Vries (author)
Simon de Vries (author)