L. Pasqualetto Cassinis
8 records found
This paper introduces an adaptive Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based Unscented Kalman Filter for the pose estimation of uncooperative spacecraft. The validation is carried out at Stanford's robotic Testbed for Rendezvous and Optical Navigation on the Satellite Hardware-In-t
On-ground validation of a CNN-based monocular pose estimation system for uncooperative spacecraft
Bridging domain shift in rendezvous scenarios
The estimation of the relative pose of an inactive spacecraft by an active servicer spacecraft is a critical task for close-proximity operations, such as In-Orbit Servicing and Active Debris Removal. Among all the challenges, the lack of available space images of the inactive sat
The estimation of the relative pose of an inactive spacecraft by an active servicer spacecraft is a critical task for close-proximity operations, such as In-Orbit Servicing and Active Debris Removal. Among all the challenges, the lack of available space images of the inactive sat
The relative pose estimation of an inactive spacecraft by an active servicer spacecraft is a critical task in the design of current and planned space missions, due to its relevance for close-proximity operations, such as In-Orbit Servicing and Active Debris Removal. This paper in
This paper introduces a novel framework which combines a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for feature detection with a Covariant Efficient Procrustes Perspective-n-Points (CEPPnP) solver and an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) to enable robust monocular pose estimation for close-pr
This paper reports on a comparative assessment of Image Processing (IP) tech- niques for the relative pose estimation of uncooperative spacecraft with a monocular camera. Currently, keypoints-based algorithms suffer from partial occlusion of the target, as well as from the differ
The relative pose estimation of an inactive target by an active servicer spacecraft is a critical task in the design of current and planned space missions, due to its relevance for close-proximity operations, i.e. the rendezvous with a space debris and/or in-orbit servicing. Pose