Anesthesia-related hypotension is a significant concern during surgery, occurring shortly after induction and potentially leading to severe complications. Since the anesthetic drug is believed to have an important role in the occurrence of post-induction hypotension (PIH), anesth
Anesthesia-related hypotension is a significant concern during surgery, occurring shortly after induction and potentially leading to severe complications. Since the anesthetic drug is believed to have an important role in the occurrence of post-induction hypotension (PIH), anesthesiologists now advocate for the appropriate selection of anesthetics dosage to avoid PIH.To facilitate such decision-making, an accurate prediction of PIH associated with a certain dosage of anesthetics is necessary. This thesis presents a high-accuracy prediction model for PIH that supports anesthesia decision-making. The model is trained on data from the VitalDB database of 320 patients undergoing general anesthesia. The target output of this classification model is the occurrence of PIH, as defined through comprehensive analysis that incorporates clinical operations. Besides demographic data and vital signs, our model incorporates the dosage of propofol administered during the induction period as an input variable, mimicking real-world anesthetic plans. By employing the model in the target control infusion system of anesthesia, the anesthetics dosage can be varied as input, providing outcome predictions as security suggestions. An ensemble algorithm is employed to balance the prediction performance and the ability to elucidate the positive relationship between propofol and PIH risk, forming an anesthetics advice model. Compared to previous PIH prediction studies, our prediction model is validated in more reliable nested cross-validation approach and achieves a higher performance (precision of 0.83 and recall of 0.84). We believe utilizing demographic and dynamic vital signs to predict HIP can be useful in determining the appropriate anesthetic dosage plan, offering potential improvements in patient care and safety.