8 records found

Wheels are critical components of trains, and their conditions should be therefore monitored.Wheel defects change the wheel-rail contact and cause high impact forces thatare damaging for tracks and trains. Wheel defects can also cause unexpected failuresthat reduce the availabili ...
Wheel impact load detectors are widespread railway systems used for measuring the wheel–rail contact force. They usually measure the rail strain and convert it to force in order to detect high impact forces and corresponding detrimental wheels. The measured strain signal can also ...
A wheel impact load detector is used to assess the condition of a railway wheel by measuring the dynamic forces generated by defects. This system normally measures the impact force at multiple points by exploiting multiple sensors to collect samples from different portions of the ...
Wheel defects are detrimental for railway train and track components and should be detected and identified as early as possible. Wheel Impact Load Detector (WILD) is a commercial condition monitoring system used for detecting the defective wheels. This system usually measures the ...
A periodic out-of-round wheel generates a range of excitation frequencies that may approach to the fundamental resonance of the track and vehicle. Detecting these defects by current condition monitoring systems is challenging. This paper focuses on the polygonal defect detection. ...
Wheel Impact Load Detectors are common devices that measure the rail response made by the wheel-rail contact to estimate the condition of the in-service wheels. The data collected by the multiple sensors can be fused to reconstruct a wheel-rail contact pattern over the circumfere ...
Condition monitoring systems are commonly exploited to assess the health status of equipment. A fundamental part of any condition monitoring system is data acquisition. Meaningfully estimating the current condition and predicting the future behaviour of the equipment strongly dep ...
Nowadays, various railway components are checked by numerous sensors, in workshops and in-service. Railway wheels are critical components, which their health status directly and indirectly are monitored. The Wheel Impact Load Detector (WILD) is a widespread commercial monitoring ...