Said Jawad Saidi

5 records found


Honeypots have been used for decades to detect, monitor, and understand attempts of unauthorized use of information systems. Previous studies focused on characterizing the spread of malware, e.g., Mirai and other attacks, or proposed stealthy and interactive architectures to impr ...

Internet of Things (IoT) devices are becoming increasingly ubiquitous, e.g., at home, in enterprise environments, and in production lines. To support the advanced functionalities of IoT devices, IoT vendors as well as service and cloud companies operate IoT backendsÐthe focus ...

IPv6 is being more and more adopted, in part to facilitate the millions of smart devices that have already been installed at home. Unfortunately, we find that the privacy of a substantial fraction of end-users is still at risk, despite the efforts by ISPs and electronic vendor ...

Internet of Things (IoT) devices are becoming increasingly popular and offer a wide range of services and functionality to their users. However, there are significant privacy and security risks associated with these devices. IoT devices can infringe users' privacy by ex-filtra ...

A Haystack Full of Needles

Scalable Detection of IoT Devices in the Wild

Consumer Internet of Things (IoT) devices are extremely popular, providing users with rich and diverse functionalities, from voice assistants to home appliances. These functionalities often come with significant privacy and security risks, with notable recent large-scale coord ...