Zhengtao Ai

4 records found


Air infiltration and related building energy consumption

A case study of office buildings in Changsha, China

Past studies reveal that air infiltration through the building envelope and its impact on the indoor environment and energy consumption are significantly influenced by climate characteristics. However, little relevant information is available for buildings in southern China, w ...

Ventilative cooling is an energy-saving technology to diminish thermal discomfort and overheating risk of buildings, meanwhile achieving high indoor air quality (IAQ). However, there is still no optimal control strategy in practice, which considerably limits its application. T ...

Smart and personalized ventilation systems have been demonstrated with high performance in creating a healthy and energy-efficient indoor environment, but they have been rarely comprehensively summarized and explored in previous studies. With the progressive development of var ...

In order to reduce the energy consumption of HVAC systems in buildings, the use of energy-saving solutions is necessary. One of these solutions is ventilation, which is usually used for maintaining acceptable indoor air quality and thermal comfort. As the change in outdoor env ...