Salt caverns formed by solution mining may cause soil subsidence, because the surrounding adapts to fill the void (cavity) created in the strata. The cavern volume is hence not only a function of salt extraction (estimated from mass balance) but also a function of salt creep. The
Salt caverns formed by solution mining may cause soil subsidence, because the surrounding adapts to fill the void (cavity) created in the strata. The cavern volume is hence not only a function of salt extraction (estimated from mass balance) but also a function of salt creep. The cavern size can be measured by sonar, but a less costly way would be to correlate cavern volume to cavern compressibility. The size of the cavern can be obtained by a compressibility test. The compressibility test consists of injecting brine or fresh water into the cavern, causing a pressure build-up. The pressure increase depends on the cavern volume and compressibility. Bérest et al. (2006) [1] derived an equation that expresses the pressure response to injection of a volume V of fresh water. The equation includes creep that can be derived from a separate geometric creep model that relates the strain to the stress history using the Norton-Hoff law for describing an Arrhenius type of response model, and thermal expansion effects influenced by the geothermal temperature. It also considers Darcy flow and leakage through the permeable salt cavity. This thesis investigates the sensitivity related to the various mechanisms in the Bérest and Van Sambeek (2005) model. It also extends the model by introducing chemical dissolution of salt effects and taking into account the impact of the sump (insoluble precipitates at the bottom of the cavern). We state the model equations and solve them for an example of interest. We can also compare the calculated pressure response to the results of a pressure test. In this pressure test a given volume of fresh water is injected above the sump and produced at the top of the cavity. The produced salt concentration is also one of the parameters measured in the test. There are at least two widely used methods to obtain or predict cavern size of active salt solution mining caverns, namely sonar surveys and leaching simulators. However, these data can be flawed due to uncertainties of the methods and the accuracy of measuring devices like flow meters. The compressibility test can then be used as an additional survey method. The test execution is simple and inexpensive, making it possible to be performed more frequently than a sonar survey. The cavern volume is obtained from a compressibility test data by using a solution that includes not only the injection volume, but also volumes introduced by other phenomena. These other phenomena are caused by thermal, hydraulic, mechanical, and chemical influences. Previous work has attempted to introduced solutions incorporating these influences for idle caverns. The proposed solution incorporates these effects in an active leaching salt cavern. It also introduces the impact of sump (insoluble on cavern bottom) to be included in the model. The proposed solution is then tested against field data. The work here differs from previous work that it presents a comprehensive description of the various methods used in the literature and practice. Where current models predict cavity volumes with a mean absolute percentage error of 33% (Thiel’s method for BAS3O) to 127% (Bérest et al. for BAS4) for the studied caverns (BAS3O and BAS4), the model here, which includes the presence of insoluble particles, and a well-established creep model is able to predict cavity volumes to an accuracy of 33% (proposed model for BAS3O) to 12% (proposed model for BAS4).