Sindu Sindunuraga Rikarno Putra

3 records found

The field of Search as Learning addresses questions surrounding human learning during the search process. Existing research has largely focused on observing how users with learning-oriented information needs behave and interact with search engines. What is not yet quantified is t ...


Empowering Collaborative Search Research

Collaborative search has been an active area of research within the IR community for many years. While for "single-user'' research a variety of up-to-date open-source search systems exist, few "multi-user'' search tools are open-source and even fewer are being maintained. In this ...
Collaborative search is an active area of research in the IR community (and has been for many years)—despite this, there is a lack of open-source tools available to jump-start research in collaborative search. It is common for collaborative search researchers to implement their o ...