
29 records found


Creating a circular healthcare economy

Circular strategies for sustainable healthcare

Our world is the only planet, as far as we know, which harbors life. The number of humans on our planet has grown tremendously in recent centuries. In 1800 one billion humans occupied our earth; on 15 November 2022, this number reached 8 billion. A result of this growth, the emi ...
De totale zorg draagt naar schatting voor 5 tot 8% bij aan de totale CO2-uitstoot in Nederland. Dit wordt mede veroorzaakt door het grote verbruik van medische wegwerpproducten, die na gebruik verbrand worden. Onderzocht is of gebruikte chirurgische mondmaskers gerecycled kunnen ...
Introduction: Disposable instruments in healthcare have led to a significant increase of medical waste. The aim of this study is to validate the recycling of disposable Zamak laryngoscope blades into new medical products by using a new ‘all-in-one’ affordable reprocessing setup a ...
Hospital waste has a major impact on the environment. The worldwide growth of hospital waste is the result of the growing world population and the increase in use of disposables. A circular healthcare economy may contribute to the reduction of hospital waste. The circular economy ...

The Circular Economy faces a growing interest. The aim of this study is to determine the feasibility of a circular approach towards reusing discarded hospital instruments and stainless steel waste. Secondary, this study aims to identify if any cost savings can be realized by f ...

Hospitals in the Netherlands generate approximately 1.3 million kg of waste from the polypropylene (PP) wrapping paper (WP) used to wrap surgical instruments each year. The aim of this study was to develop a method to recycle WP waste into new medical devices.

Background: Complications that occur in laparoscopic surgery are often associated with the initial entry into the peritoneal cavity. The literature reported incidences of Veress needle (VN) injuries of e.g. 0.31% and 0.23%. In a 2010 national survey of laparoscopic entry techn ...

Can sterilization of disposable face masks be an alternative for imported face masks?

A nationwide field study including 19 sterilization departments and 471 imported brand types during COVID-19 shortages

Face masks, also referred to as half masks, are essential to protect healthcare professionals working in close contact with patients with COVID-19-related symptoms. Because of the Corona material shortages, healthcare institutions sought an approach to reuse face m ...
The Covid-19 pandemic led to threatening shortages in healthcare of medical products such as face masks. Due to this major impact on our healthcare society an initiative was conducted between March and July 2020 for reprocessing of face masks from 19 different hospitals. This exc ...

OBJECTIVE: There are widespread shortages of personal protective equipment as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Reprocessing filtering facepiece particle (FFP)-type respirators may provide an alternative solution in keeping healthcare professionals safe. DESIGN: Prospective, ...

The Covid-19 pandemic causes imminent shortages of face masks in hospitals globally. In preparation for that scarcity we performed a study to investigate the possibility of reprocessing disposable FFP2 face masks in order to verify their re-usability with a method that could be a ...

Background: There is a worldwide shortage of medical-grade face masks. Donning masks can play an important role in curbing the spread of SARS-CoV-2. Aim: To conclude whether there is an effective mask for the population to wear in public that could easily be made during a medi ...

NEN-spec Medische Hulpmiddelen voor eenmalig gebruik

Richtlijn voor hergebruik tijdens COVID-19

Tijdens een crisis, zoals de COVID-19-pandemie, kan snel een tekort ontstaan aan bepaalde medische hulpmiddelen. Hergebruik van middelen die eigenlijk bedoeld zijn voor eenmalig gebruik kan dan een noodzakelijke optie worden. Zorginstellingen, gebruikers en andere betrokken parti ...


Mechanical Recycling of Autoclave Laminated Plastic

Towards Sustainable Waste Management

Introduction: The environmental impact of singleuse medical plastics is a growing concern. One such plastic component, autoclave laminated plastic (ALP), commonly used in medical sterilization pouches, is typically discarded after use, but it holds potential for recycling. This r ...
Each year hospitals in the Netherlands generate approximately 1.3 million kilogram of waste from the polypropylene (PP) wrapping paper (WP) used to wrap surgical instruments. The objective of this thesis is to acquire high quality PP, for the use of inject ...
There is an incentive in society to go towards a circular economy to prevent the depletion of resources and prevent climate change. The medical industry generates a large amount of waste, much of which are disposable medical instruments and consumables, of which some are not reus ...

The Circular Redesign Focus Point tool

A novel method to determine focus points for redesigning surgical devices for circularity

For healthcare, an industry that is currently responsible for up to 10% of the global carbon footprint, the transition to carbon neutrality and circularity will be an enormous challenge. As 20-30% of the total hospital waste originates from operating rooms, optimising recovery fr ...