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AR Overweg
Academic Work (31)
Conference paper (3)
Journal article (26)
Poster (2)
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31 records found
The role of alpha-iron and cementite phases in the growing mechanism of carbon nanotubes: a 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy study
Journal article (2006) -
M Pérez-Cabaro (author)
JB Taboada (author)
JB Taboada (author)
A Guerrero-Ruiz (author)
AR Overweg (author)
AR Overweg (author)
I Rodríguez-Ramon (author)
Role of gold cations in the oxidation of carbon monoxide catalyzed by iron oxide-supported gold
Journal article (2006) -
G Hutchings (author)
MS Hall (author)
JC Fierro-Gonzalez (author)
J Guzman (author)
BC Gates (author)
AF Carley (author)
Ph. Landon (author)
B Solsona (author)
CJ Kiely (author)
AA Herzing (author)
M Makkee (author)
M. Makkee (author)
Michiel Makkee (author)
J.A. Moulijn (author)
JA Moulijn (author)
Jacob Moulijn (author)
Jacob A. Moulijn (author)
AR Overweg (author)
AR Overweg (author)
A new approach to the determination of atomic-architecture of amorphous zeolite precursors by high-energy X-ray diffraction technique
Journal article (2006) -
T Wakihara (author)
S Kohara (author)
G Sankar (author)
S Saito (author)
M Sanchez-Sanchez (author)
W Fan (author)
M Ogura (author)
AR Overweg (author)
AR Overweg (author)
T Okubo (author)
Stimulus Responsive Poly(ferrocenylsilanes): Redox Chemistry of Iron in the Main Chain
Journal article (2006) -
MI Giannotti (author)
H Lv (author)
Y Ma (author)
Y. Ma (author)
Yuan Ma (author)
M.P. Steenvoorden (author)
AR Overweg (author)
AR Overweg (author)
M Roerdink (author)
MA Hempenius (author)
GJ Vancso (author)
13C MAS-NMR study of carbon nanotubes grown by catalytic decomposition of acetylene on Fe-silica catalysts
Journal article (2005) -
M Pérez-Cabero (author)
I Rodriguez-Ramos (author)
AR Overweg (author)
AR Overweg (author)
Isabel Sobrados (author)
J Sanz (author)
A Guerrero-Ruiz (author)
The mechanism of low temperature CO Oxidation with Au/Fe2O3 Catalysts: a combined Mössbauer, FT-IR, and TAP reactor study
Journal article (2005) -
ST Daniells (author)
AR Overweg (author)
AR Overweg (author)
M Makkee (author)
Michiel Makkee (author)
M. Makkee (author)
JA Moulijn (author)
Jacob A. Moulijn (author)
Jacob Moulijn (author)
J.A. Moulijn (author)
Synthesis, characterization, and unique catalytic performance of the mesoporous material Fe-TUD-1 in Friedel-Crafts benzylation of benzene
Journal article (2005) -
MS Hamdy-Saad (author)
MS Hamdy-Saad (author)
G Mul (author)
G. Mul (author)
JC Jansen (author)
J.C. Jansen (author)
A Ebaid (author)
Z Shan (author)
AR Overweg (author)
AR Overweg (author)
T Maschmeyer (author)
T Maschmeyer (author)
Reactivity of generated oxygen species from nitrous oxide over [Fe,Al] catalysts for the direct oxidation of benzene to phenol
Journal article (2005) -
JB Taboada (author)
JB Taboada (author)
EJM Hensen (author)
I.W.C.E. Arends (author)
IWCE Arends (author)
Isabel Arends (author)
I. W.C.E. Arends (author)
Isabel W.C.E. Arends (author)
G Mul (author)
G. Mul (author)
AR Overweg (author)
AR Overweg (author)
Direct synthesis of mesoporous Fe-MFI zeolite
Conference paper (2005) -
JB Taboada (author)
JB Taboada (author)
AR Overweg (author)
AR Overweg (author)
Patricia J. Kooyman (author)
P. J. Kooyman (author)
PJ Kooyman (author)
P.J. Kooyman (author)
Patricia Kooyman (author)
The evolution of the active phase in CoMo/C hydrodesulfurization catalysts under industrial conditions: a high-pressure Mössbauer emission spectroscopy study
Journal article (2005) -
Achim Dugulan (author)
Iulian Iulian Dugulan (author)
A.I. Iulian Dugulan (author)
Iulian Dugulan (author)
Iulian A. Iulian Dugulan (author)
Achim Iulian Iulian Dugulan (author)
A. Iulian Dugulan (author)
Iulian A. Dugulan (author)
A. I. Dugulan (author)
Achim Iulian Dugulan (author)
A. I. Iulian Dugulan (author)
A. Iulian Iulian Dugulan (author)
A. Iulian Dugulan (author)
A. Dugulan (author)
Achim Iulian Dugulan (author)
A.I. Dugulan (author)
MWJ Crajé (author)
AR Overweg (author)
AR Overweg (author)
GJ Kearley (author)
GJ Kearley (author)
Following the evolution of iron from framework to extra-framework positions in isomorphously substituted [Fe,Al]MFI with Fe-57 Mossbauer spectroscopy
Journal article (2005) -
JB Taboada (author)
JB Taboada (author)
AR Overweg (author)
AR Overweg (author)
P. J. Kooyman (author)
Patricia Kooyman (author)
PJ Kooyman (author)
P.J. Kooyman (author)
Patricia J. Kooyman (author)
I.W.C.E. Arends (author)
Isabel W.C.E. Arends (author)
Isabel Arends (author)
IWCE Arends (author)
I. W.C.E. Arends (author)
G Mul (author)
G. Mul (author)
Estudio por expectroscopia Mössbauer del papel del la cementita en el mecanismo de crecimiento de los nanotubos de carbono
Poster (2005) -
M Pérez-Cabero (author)
JB Taboada (author)
JB Taboada (author)
I Rodriguez-Ramos (author)
AR Overweg (author)
AR Overweg (author)
A Guerrero-Ruiz (author)
Probing the redox states of iron in steam-treated isomorphously substituted [Fe,Al]MFI Catalyst
Conference paper (2005) -
JB Taboada (author)
JB Taboada (author)
AR Overweg (author)
AR Overweg (author)
I.W.C.E. Arends (author)
IWCE Arends (author)
I. W.C.E. Arends (author)
Isabel Arends (author)
Isabel W.C.E. Arends (author)
G Mul (author)
G. Mul (author)
Selective oxidation of CO in the presence of H2, H2O and CO2 utilising Au/ a-Fe2O3 catalysts for use in fuel cells
Journal article (2005) -
Ph. Landon (author)
J. Ferguson (author)
AR Overweg (author)
AR Overweg (author)
SE Golunski (author)
GJ Hutchings (author)
BE Solsona (author)
T Garcia (author)
S Al-Sayari (author)
AF Carley (author)
AA Herzing (author)
CJ Kiely (author)
M. Makkee (author)
M Makkee (author)
Michiel Makkee (author)
Jacob Moulijn (author)
Jacob A. Moulijn (author)
JA Moulijn (author)
J.A. Moulijn (author)
Systematic variation of 57Fe and A1 content in isomorphously substituted 57FeZSM-5 zeolites: preparation and characterization
Journal article (2004) -
JB Taboada (author)
JB Taboada (author)
AR Overweg (author)
AR Overweg (author)
MWJ Crajé (author)
I. W.C.E. Arends (author)
I.W.C.E. Arends (author)
Isabel W.C.E. Arends (author)
IWCE Arends (author)
Isabel Arends (author)
G. Mul (author)
G Mul (author)
AM van der Kraan (author)
Remarkable N2 affinity of a steam-activated FeZSM-5 catalyst: A 57Fe Mössbayer study
Journal article (2004) -
AR Overweg (author)
AR Overweg (author)
MWJ Crajé (author)
AM van der Kraan (author)
Isabel Arends (author)
IWCE Arends (author)
I.W.C.E. Arends (author)
Isabel W.C.E. Arends (author)
I. W.C.E. Arends (author)
A Ribera (author)
Roger Arthur Sheldon (author)
R.A. Sheldon (author)
Roger Sheldon (author)
Roger A. Sheldon (author)
RA Sheldon (author)
Effect of high-temperature treatment on Fe/ZSM-5 prepared by chemical vapour deposition of FeCl3
Journal article (2004) -
EJM Hensen (author)
Qin Zhu (author)
Q. Zhu (author)
MMRM Hendrix (author)
AR Overweg (author)
AR Overweg (author)
Patricia Kooyman (author)
P. J. Kooyman (author)
PJ Kooyman (author)
Patricia J. Kooyman (author)
P.J. Kooyman (author)
MV Sychev (author)
RA van Santen (author)
Evolution of Fe species during the synthesis of over-exchanged Fe/ZSM5 obtained by chemical vapor deposition of FeCl3
Journal article (2003) -
AA Battiston (author)
JH Bitter (author)
FMF de Groot (author)
AR Overweg (author)
AR Overweg (author)
O Stephan (author)
JA van Bokhoven (author)
P.J. Kooyman (author)
PJ Kooyman (author)
P. J. Kooyman (author)
Patricia J. Kooyman (author)
Patricia Kooyman (author)
C van der Spek (author)
G Vankó (author)
DC Koningsberger (author)
Systematic Variation of 57Fe and Al content on Isomorphously Substituted 57FeZSM-5 zeolites
Poster (2003) -
JB Taboada (author)
JB Taboada (author)
AR Overweg (author)
AR Overweg (author)
MWJ Crajé (author)
Isabel W.C.E. Arends (author)
Isabel Arends (author)
IWCE Arends (author)
I.W.C.E. Arends (author)
I. W.C.E. Arends (author)
G. Mul (author)
G Mul (author)
AM van der Kraan (author)
GJ Kearley (author)
GJ Kearley (author)
Synthesis and characterisation of microporous bimetallic Fe-Cr-Si-O materials derived from silsesquioxane precursors
Journal article (2003) -
N Maxim (author)
AR Overweg (author)
AR Overweg (author)
PJ Kooyman (author)
P.J. Kooyman (author)
P. J. Kooyman (author)
Patricia Kooyman (author)
Patricia J. Kooyman (author)
A Nagy (author)
RA van Santen (author)
HCL Abbenhuis (author)