In this study, we present a novel modeling framework that provides a stylized representation of coastal adaptation and migration dynamics under sea level rise (SLR). We develop an agent-based model that simulates household and government agents adapting to shoreline change and in
In this study, we present a novel modeling framework that provides a stylized representation of coastal adaptation and migration dynamics under sea level rise (SLR). We develop an agent-based model that simulates household and government agents adapting to shoreline change and increasing coastal flood risk. This model is coupled to a gravity-based model of migration to simulate coastward migration. Household characteristics are derived from local census data from 2015, and household decisions are calibrated based on empirical survey data on household adaptation in France. We integrate projections of shoreline retreat and flood inundation levels under two Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs) and account for socioeconomic development under two Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs). The model is then applied to simulate coastal adaptation and migration between 2015 and 2080. Our results indicate that without coastal adaptation, SLR could drive the cumulative net outmigration of 13,100 up to as many as 21,700 coastal inhabitants between 2015 and 2080 under SSP2–RCP4.5 and SSP5–RCP8.5, respectively. This amounts to between 3.0 %–3.7 % of the coastal population residing in the 1/100-year flood zone in 2080 under a scenario of SLR. We find that SLR-induced migration is largely dependent on the adaptation strategies pursued by households and governments. Household implementation of floodproofing measures combined with beach renourishment reduces the projected SLR-induced migration by 31 %–36 % when compared to a migration under a scenario of no adaptation. A sensitivity analysis indicates that the effect of beach renourishment on SLR-induced migration largely depends on the level of coastal flood protection offered by sandy beaches. By explicitly modeling household behavior combined with governmental protection strategies under increasing coastal risks, the framework presented in this study allows for a comparison of climate change impacts on coastal communities under different adaptation strategies.