Brian G. Booth

9 records found

Quantitative analyses of plantar pressure images typically occur at the group level and under the assumption that individuals within each group display homogeneous pressure patterns. When this assumption does not hold, a personalized analysis technique is required. Yet, existing ...
The high prevalence of foot pain, and its relation to foot shape, indicates the need for an expert system to identify foot shape abnormalities. Yet, to date, no such expert system exists that examines the full 3D foot shape and produces an intuitive explanation of why a foot is a ...
This paper presents a registration framework for the construction of a statistical shape model of the human hand in a standard pose. It brings a skeletonized reference model of an individual human hand into correspondence with optical 3D surface scans of hands by sequentially app ...
This study characterizes plantar pressure differences betweenhallux valgus patients and healthycontrols using statistical parametric mapping(SPM).The plantar pressuredifferences are minimalwhich, combinedwith previous studies, suggesthigh variability in t ...
Data reduction techniques are commonly applied to dynamic plantar pressure measurements, often prior to the measurement's analysis. In performing these data reductions, information is discarded from the measurement before it can be evaluated, leading to unkonwn consequences. In t ...
While dynamic plantar pressure measurements are commonly used for clinical evaluation of gait-related problems, computational analysis techniques for these datasets are few and farbetween. To address this issue, we introduce an open-access database of plantar pressure videos for ...


SpatioTemporal Analysis of Plantar Pressure Measurements using Statistical Parametric Mapping


Pedobarography produces large sets of plantar pressure samples that are routinely subsampled (e.g. using regions of interest) or aggregated (e.g. center of pressure trajectories, peak pressure images) in order to simplify statistical analysis and provide ...
Background: Foot morphology has received increasing attention from both biomechanics researches and footwear manufacturers. Usually, the morphology of the foot is quantified by 2D footprints. However, footprint quantification ignores the foot's vertical dimension and hence, does ...