This research explores the interdependent public-private relationship during the front-end of urban (re)development projects. During this process the municipality calls up on the developer's ability to drive change and innovation through the co-creation of value propositions. Ine
This research explores the interdependent public-private relationship during the front-end of urban (re)development projects. During this process the municipality calls up on the developer's ability to drive change and innovation through the co-creation of value propositions. Inevitable conflicts emerge because of value pluralism and play a significant role in the co-creation of value propositions. However, in what ways real estate developers manage those emerging conflicts constructively and how this influences individual actor's value propositions is less known. Consequently, the following research question has been drawn up: "How can real estate developers manage conflicts constructively to enable value co-creation during the front-end of urban redevelopment projects?" In answering the research question this study applies a qualitative research method, using semi-structured interviews within a case study of an urban redevelopment program in the Netherlands. The findings display the dynamics of emerging conflicts during the co-creation of value propositions between developers and the municipality and the influence on individual actor value propositions. Understanding these dynamics, proactively steering on a good project environment to foster functional conflicts and utilise appropriate conflict handling styles enables developers to constructively manage conflicts during the front-end of urban (re)development projects.