Glen T. Daigger

13 records found

Combining the practices and experiences learned in the recent years in China and the relevant international practices this paper raises and discusses the four topics, which are related to improve the efficiencies of urban sewage systems up-grading and operation in China, includin ...
Exploring alternative water sources and improving the efficiency of energy uses are crucial approaches to strengthening the water-energy securities and achieving carbon mitigations in sub(tropical) coastal cities. Seawater use for toilet flushing and district cooling systems is r ...
Since about the 1990s China has achieved remarkable progress in urban sanitation. The country has built very extensive infrastructure for wastewater collection and treatment, with 94.5% coverage in urban areas and legally mandated nation-wide full nutrient removal implemented. Ho ...
A full-scale wastewater treatment plant in China experienced unintentional anammox bacterial enrichment on biofilm carriers placed in the anaerobic and anoxic zones of an anaerobic/anoxic/oxic process under ambient temperatures and without bioaugmentation. Here, we show that micr ...
Since about the 1990s China has achieved remarkable progress in urban sanitation. The country has built very extensive infrastructure for wastewater treatment, with 94.5% treatment coverage in urban areas and legally mandated nation-wide full nutrient removal implemented. However ...
China has achieved significant progress on wastewater treatment and aquatic environmental protection. However, leakage (in- and exfiltration) of sewer systems is still an issue. By using the statistical data of water and wastewater in 2016 in China, and the person loads (PLs) of ...
Restoring and improving harmony between human activities and nature are essential to human well-being and survival. The role of wastewater infrastructure is evolving toward resource recovery to address this challenge. Yet, existing design approaches for wastewater systems focus m ...
A researcher or practitioner can employ a biofilm model to gain insight into what controls the performance of a biofilm process and for optimizing its performance. While a wide range of biofilmmodeling platforms is available, a good strategy is to choose the simplest model that i ...
Mainstream partial nitritation/anammox (PN/A), coupled with excess biological phosphorus removal, in a 200,000 m3/d step-feed activated sludge process (Train 2) in the Changi Water Reclamation Plant (WRP), Singapore, has been studied and reported. This paper presents a ...
Driven by energy neutral/positive of wastewater treatment plants, significant efforts have been made on the research and development of mainstream partial nitritation and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) (PN/A) (deammonification) process since the early 2010s. To date, feas ...
Mainstream partial nitritation and Anammox (PN/A) has been observed and studied in the step-feed activated sludge process at the Changi water reclamation plant (WRP), which is the largest WRP (800,000 m3/d) in Singapore. This paper presents the study results for enhanc ...
Biofilms are complex biostructures that appear on all surfaces that are regularly in contact with water. They are structurally complex, dynamic systems with attributes of primordial multicellular organisms and multifaceted ecosystems. The presence of biofilms may have a negative ...
A laboratory fed-batch reactor has been used to study under controlled conditions the performance of partial nitritation/anammox for the 200,000 m3/day step-feed activated sludge process at the Changi Water Reclamation Plant, Singapore. The similarity of the concentrat ...