12 records found
On the driving force of methanol pervaporation through a microporous methylated silica membrane
Augmenting Distillation by Membranes: Developments and Prospects
Pervaporation and vapour permeation of methanol and MTBE through a microporous methylated silica membrane
Separation of methanol from MTBE by pervaporation using a methylated silica membrane
Mass-transport in a methylated silica membrane during pervaporation and vapour permeation - Experimental and modelling approach
Experimental comparison of vapor permeation and pervaporation with (methylated-) silica membranes and validation of a design tool for scale-up
Mass-Transport in Methylated Silica Membranes for The Separation of Organic Mixtures
(M)Ethanol separation from organic process streams in the chemical industry.
Support layer resistance of a composite silica membrane for separation of methanol - MTBE mixtures
Influence of the support layer on the flux limitation in pervaporation
(M)ethanol separation from organic process streams in the chemical industry. Characterisation of the ECN silica membrane under atmospheric conditions and determination of the contribution of support layers to mass transfer resistance
(M)Ethanol separation from organic process streams in the chemical industry. Fundamental aspects of the mass transfer through ceramic silica membranes