Youkui Xu
3 records found
Two-dimensional (2D) Ruddlesden–Popper (RP) CsPbI3 perovskite possesses superior phase stability by introducing steric hindrance. However, due to the quantum and dielectric confinement effect, 2D structures usually exhibit large exciton binding energy, and the charge t
Two-dimensional (2D) Dion-Jacobson (D-J)-type cesium lead iodide CsPbI
3 perform remarkably in terms of stability. However, the complex interactions between spacer and inorganic layers limit its excellent progress in perovskite solar cells (PSCs). Herein,
Iodine vacancies and uncoordinated iodide ions of CsPbI3 films are mainly responsible for nonradiative recombination. Here, we report a composition-engineering passivation method that through guanidium (GA+) and I− forms strong hydrogen bonds to p