CI Coman
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The shared aperture antenna, an effective and versatile radar front-end design strategy based on deploying interleaved sub-arrays on a common aperture, is discussed. A number of instantiations of this concept, demonstrating multi-functionality and polarisation agility capabilitie
A method for ensuring polarization agility in conjunction with beam steering in planar array antennas is proposed. It relies on interleaving two subarrays with orthogonal, linear polarizations that, together, can generate arbitrary polarization states: adjustable linear, elliptic
A post-processing procedure that yields accurate array-antenna radiation-pattern estimaions is described. By resorting to this strategy, measurements of large array antennas inside small anechoic chambers become feasible. The method employs an adequate phase-correction derived fr
Application such as polarization diversity communications, frequency re-use and syntheti aperture radar (SAR) may benefit from the use of polarization-agile antennas, i.e. antennas whose polarization state can be dynamically changed over time (see [1] fir a comprehensive survey o
The design of large antenna arrays that are amenable to a cost-effective fabrication in a lithographic technology is demonstrated. For reducing the inter-element coupling, cavities consisting of metal-plated through-holes are employe. The required bandwidth is achieved by resorti
A grid-search type placement method for the assembling of large, non-uniform, linear arrays is presented. The required data is generated by means of an efficient computational engine that provides the locations of the elementary radiators for user-specified beam-widths and peak s
A new family of structures launching the fundamental mode in rectangular waveguides is proposed. Individual or stacked cavity-backed patch antennas radiate into a rectangular waveguide, providing a good matching with a coaxial input over a wide frequency range. The configuration
A novel solution for conceiving wide band (multi-band) array antennas is presented. The solution is based on the concept of interleaving sparse, sub-arrays operating at separate frequencies. Sparse array antennas offer two major advantages, namely: they have non-uniformly distrib
A consistent strategy for the design of finite array antennas consisting of differently sized radiating elements is discussed. In view of increasing the total bandwidth of the antenna system, while maintaining a low mutual coupling between the elementary radiators, sparse subarra
For Accurate estimation of AOA of multiple sources an antenna array can be used. In this paper a comparison between the directions finding capability of three array geometries circular array, uniform- and non-uniform Y-shaped array are presented. the center frequency is 2.25 GHz
A solution to desiging multifunction array antennas is discussed. Distinct system functions performed at separate frequency ranges are associated to sparse sub-arrays that are interleaved in a shared aperture configuration. The sparse architectures are designed using a combinator
The design aspects concerning the sparse array antennas are discussed. Commonly, the beamwidth, the side-lobes level and the gain are the relevant features in antenna design procedures. These parameters are evaluated for different sparse topologies and generalised design relation
This contribution presents a full-wave analysis and the pertaining design strategies for cavity-backed and probe-fed circular microstrip patch antennas. The analysis procedure is based on the Mode Matching Method that was consitently employed fo charcterizing the feeding circuit,
A novel structure for launching the fundamental mode in rectangular waveguides is proposed. The geometry consists of a cavity-backed circular patch radiating into a rectangular waveguide. The matching properties of the proposed components are comparable with the ones of the class
A combinatorial method for the design of spatially interlaced sparse array antennas is advocated. The cyclic difference sets are used infinding optimum positions of the elements in the sparse sub-arrays that share a common number of sub-array that can be interwoven on a common ap