The influence of a set of wave farms for wave energy extraction on the nearshore wave climate at the pilot zone in Portugal was studied. Two different wave farms configurations (named B and C) and two representative wave conditions (winter and summer) were considered. Energy extr
The influence of a set of wave farms for wave energy extraction on the nearshore wave climate at the pilot zone in Portugal was studied. Two different wave farms configurations (named B and C) and two representative wave conditions (winter and summer) were considered. Energy extraction did not exceed 9.1 and 21.1%, respectively, of the incident energy in the wave farms for January and July. Energy extraction was very similar for the two wave farm configurations. There were no significant differences on the wave heights observed near the coast when considering the two wave farm configurations and the case without wave farms. This is an abstract of a paper presented at the Eighteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference (Vancouver, Canada 7/6-11/2008).@en