M. Ayşen

10 records found


IoT devices have grown rapidly over the past few years. IoT devices are mostly connected to a central server that stores the data and handles end-to-end communication. Due to the increase of IoT devices, the latency with the server increases. Furthermore, when using a central ser ...
The expansion of the Internet and wireless access has led to a widespread increase of Internet of Things applications. These smart devices are becoming a daily aspect of our lives. All the convenient and automated services provided by smart devices come from a centralized service ...
With the growing scale of the IoT, many industries enjoy the benefit of automation. The IoT consists of an interconnected network of devices that sense their surroundings and share data among other IoT devices. However, this data can be sensitive and private in nature, making sec ...
The domain name system (DNS) and public key infrastructure (PKI) provide the core services for the Internet. The use of these systems requires trust in institutions to provide proper services, which they can fail to provide. Centralized management allows these institutions to per ...
An increasingly large amount of data is generated on the IoT. Widespread use of this data may help provide valuable insights and actionable triggers for new innovative services. To tap the potential of this increasing supply of data, a platform is needed. However in creating mark ...
Wireless Sensor Networks(WSN's) are networks of sensor that wirelessly communicate to each other. The communication of these sensors needs to be secured to prevent leaking of potentially sensitive information of the data sent between the user, gateway and sensors. For WSN's light ...
The use of Internet of things (IoT) devices is on the rise and given their involvement with sensitive data the security for these devices is of greater importance. As these devices are connected with the internet being able to have secure communication is crucial. Some of the maj ...
Pseudo-random number generators are the essential part of many security protocols such as signature schemes, key-exchange protocols and encryption algorithms. The security of these protocols is usually dependent on the quality of the generators they use. The generation of unpredi ...
With the current fast paced growth in the number of devices connected to the internet, many of these having limited computational capability, security concerns are of increasing importance. To meet the necessity of providing secure encryption to constrained devices many lightweig ...
Blockchain is a technology that is in use increasingly. Although owing its common use to the cryptocurrencies there is more to the blockchain technology than just the monetary use. One of these uses is by smaller groups of participants under the control of a central authority, fo ...