Compliance through deterrence is the major criteria for the implementation of environmental laws. The study conducted by Jerry and Amy, (2023), showed that this compliance through deterrence was implemented only to not allow the violator to have an economic advantage over the non
Compliance through deterrence is the major criteria for the implementation of environmental laws. The study conducted by Jerry and Amy, (2023), showed that this compliance through deterrence was implemented only to not allow the violator to have an economic advantage over the non-violator. The data obtained in the study, indicated that fundamental problems existed in the calculations of these deterrence methods which were by and large monetary penalties and in the worst-case scenario, incarceration. This study, challenges this system of litigating and decision making on environmental violations by the application of Blue Engineering through its tool the TINS-D Constellation. Monsanto’s recent environmental lawsuit was considered, which was ruled for a 700 million USD settlement penalty for the pollution of the Oregon’s waterways due to the discharge of polychlorinated biphenyls. With the current environmental laws structured to levy monetary penalties on the violator, this lawsuit was subjected to a group of Blue Engineering students, to see if a different ruling could be achieved. On successfully conducting the research, it was seen that a new ruling which attained which resulted in a cleanup by Monsanto under the supervision of a third party which had unanimously received a 75% acceptance. With this being in accordance with the hypothesis the research question was answered. It could be concluded that the application of Blue Engineering and its tool reduced the reliance of Environmental Laws on monetary penalties thereby increasing the potential of establishing environmental laws to solving the environmental problems democratically.