B. Jansen

12 records found

The use of spreadsheets in industry is widespread. Their outcomes are often used to substantiate critical business decisions. Unfortunately, spreadsheets are also error-prone. Consequently, companies risk making decisions based on inaccurate information, which eventually could le ...
The use of spreadsheets in industry is widespread. It is known that spreadsheets have an average life span of five years, and during this life span, they are used on average by thirteen different persons. Consequently, spreadsheets need maintenance, and knowledge about the spread ...


A Block-based Formula Editor for Spreadsheet Formulas

Spreadsheets are frequently used in industry to support critical business decisions. Unfortunately, they also suffer from error-proneness, which sometimes results in costly consequences. Experiments in the field of program education have shown that programmers tend to make fewer ...
The use of spreadsheets in industry is widespread. Companies base decisions on information coming from spreadsheets. Unfortunately, spreadsheets are error-prone and this increases the risk that companies base their decisions on inaccurate information, which can lead to incorrect ...

Detecting and Predicting Evolution in Spreadsheets

A Case Study in an Energy Network Company

The use of spreadsheets in industry is widespread and the information that they provide is often used for decisions. Research has shown that spreadsheets are error-prone, leading to the risk that decisions are made on incorrect information. Software Evolution is a well-researched ...
Spreadsheets are widely used in industry. Spreadsheets also suffer from typical software engineering issues. Previous research shows that they contain code smells, lack documentation and tests, and have a long live span during which they are transferred multiple times among users ...
Spreadsheets are a successful example of an end-user programming language, and the spreadsheet paradigm shares several characteristics like composition, selection, and repetition with programming languages. There are compelling reasons that spreadsheets are code. For most program ...

Spreadsheets are Code

An Overview of Software Engineering Approaches applied to Spreadsheets

Spreadsheets can be considered to be the world's most successful end-user programming language. In fact, one could say spreadsheets are programs. This paper starts with a comparison of spreadsheets to software: spreadsheets are similar in terms of applications domains, expressive ...
It is known that spreadsheets are error-prone. It is very diffcult for users to get an overview of the design of the spreadsheet, and this is causing errors. Furthermore users are not always aware of the best way to structure a spread- sheet and just start modeling. To address th ...