Smartphones are the most widely used electronic devices globally, producing vast amounts of CO2 emissions and contributing significantly to e-waste when they end up in landfills. Extending their lifespan by encouraging repairs can mitigate these environmental impacts. However, us
Smartphones are the most widely used electronic devices globally, producing vast amounts of CO2 emissions and contributing significantly to e-waste when they end up in landfills. Extending their lifespan by encouraging repairs can mitigate these environmental impacts. However, users often show resistance to repairing their devices due to a lack of knowledge about the specific issues. The barrier to diagnose a smartphone is too high. This thesis explores the design of a smartphone diagnostic tool that guides users to accurately diagnose common hardware problems in the Fairphone 3.
The four most common hardware faults in nonresponsive smartphones are issues with the screen, battery, charging port, and motherboard. A testing workflow was developed to detect these faults using an elimination approach, using testing points on the phone’s accessible battery and battery terminal. This method requires minimal disassembly and is integrated into a functional testing device compatible with the Fairphone 3.
The proposed design encourages repair behaviour through an interactive interface that effectively communicates diagnostic steps. It combines video and textual instructions to guide users through the process, motivating them to continue and directing them to subsequent repair actions.
Additionally, the device is designed to be shareable, available in public spaces such as libraries or maker spaces, which enhances accessibility and removes the need to purchase it for single use.
Furthermore, the potential for generalizing the diagnostic device to work with other smartphone models is discussed, broadening the design’s applicability and impact.
This thesis contributes to the field by combining a simple and efficient diagnostic workflow with consumer behaviour insights in a single testing device. It enables users to diagnose their phones with minimal effort, knowledge, and time, increasing their sense of competence and safety.
Keywords: Smartphone diagnosis, Consumer behaviour, Product design, Repair