Jürgen Ziegler

11 records found

Recommendations as Challenges

Estimating Required Effort and User Ability for Health Behavior Change Recommendations

Recommender Systems use implicit and explicit user feedback to recommend desired products or items online. When the recommendation item is a task or behavior change activity, several variables, such as the difficulty of the task and users' ability to achieve it, in addition to us ...
Behavior change for health promotion is a complex process that requires a high level of personalization, which health recommender systems, as an emerging area, have been trying to address. Despite the advantages of behavior change theories in explaining individuals' behavior and ...
Adaptive and personalized systems have become pervasive technologies that are gradually playing an increasingly important role in our daily lives. Indeed, we are now used to interact every day with algorithms that help us in several scenarios, ranging from services that suggest u ...

Exploring chatbot user interfaces for mood measurement

A study of validity and user experience

With the growth of interactive text or voice-enabled systems, such as intelligent personal assistants and chatbots, it is now possible to easily measure a user's mood using a conversation-based interaction instead of traditional questionnaires. However, it is still unclear if suc ...
Commonly used mood measures are either lengthy or too complicated for repeated use. Mood tracking research is, therefore, associated with challenges such as user dissatisfaction, fatigue, or dropouts from studies. Previous efforts to improve user experience are mostly ambiguous c ...
Adaptive and personalized systems have become pervasive technologies which are gradually playing an increasingly important role in our daily lives. Indeed, we are now used to interact every day with algorithms that help us in several scenarios, ranging from services that suggest ...
Recommender systems (RS) often use implicit user preferences extracted from behavioral and contextual data, in addition to traditional rating-based preference elicitation, to increase the quality and accuracy of personalized recommendations. However, these approaches may harm use ...
In recent years, recommender systems have emerged as a key component for personalization in health applications. Central in the development of recommender systems is rating-based preference elicitation, based both on single-criterion and multi-criteria rating. Though its use has ...
A multi-criteria rating looks for important dimensions to more extensively capture an individual’s opinion about a recommended item. Health Recommender Systems (HRS) is considered to be an emerging domain of recommender systems. In HRS, criteria for a multi-criteria preference el ...
A growing number of studies in the computer science and engineering communities are addressing mood, an affective phenomenon related but not equivalent to emotion. While emotion has been investigated intensely in the affective computing domain, the characteristics and application ...