In the Netherlands, there is an increasing need to create residential spaces in its already crowded cities to accommodate the growing population. Constructing high-rise buildings is one way to try to solve the issue. However, high-rise buildings are sensitive to wind-induced vibr
In the Netherlands, there is an increasing need to create residential spaces in its already crowded cities to accommodate the growing population. Constructing high-rise buildings is one way to try to solve the issue. However, high-rise buildings are sensitive to wind-induced vibrations. The accurate prediction of the dynamic response is important in high-rise building design. In building design practice, calculating the dynamic response of high-rise buildings under wind loading typically involves simplifying the structure as a single degree of freedom system, characterised by the first eigenmode properties and subjected to a white noise spectrum. The damping and natural frequency of the building substantially impact its dynamic response. These parameters are challenging to predict with accuracy. Additionally, in the presence of soft soils, soil-structure interaction can play an important role in energy dissipation and influence the structure's natural frequency. In practice, soil-structure interaction is either disregarded or simplified.
In order to assess the effect of soil-structure interaction on the dynamic response of the building, this study models in a robust manner: the foundation, the tower structure, and the wind load. This newly developed model is addressed as the HF model. The investigation consists of a case study and a parametric study. Additionally, this study compares the predictions by the newly developed model with those obtained with a model as specified in the Eurocode. The case study provides a comparison between the models and the measured dynamic response of the New Orleans Tower. The parametric study looks into the influence of soil stiffness and material damping on the dynamic response of high-rise buildings. Furthermore, it investigates how these parameters affect the dynamic response of structures with various slenderness ratios.
The case study was used to demonstrate that the developed model accurately predicts the measured dynamic response of the New Orleans Tower in the along-wind direction. For all the examined dynamic properties, the error compared with the measurements was lower than 7%. In the case of the Eurocode model, the results demonstrate that, when using the natural frequency estimation recommended by the Eurocode, it provides a 30%–35% underestimation of the peak acceleration compared to measurements. This Eurocode model overestimates the natural frequency and overall damping, which causes it to underestimate peak acceleration. However, the natural frequency determined in the design phase of the New Orleans Tower was significantly lower than the value obtained with the recommended estimation method in the Eurocode. With this lower natural frequency, the peak acceleration is overestimated by around 50%. This underestimation of the natural frequency and overestimation of the damping provided acceptable conservative results. Although this showcases the importance of accurate predictions of both natural frequency and damping, having poor predictions that cancel out each other’s effects is not desirable.
The results from the parametric study support the findings from the case study. This shows that the case study’s findings apply to the more extensive range of building configurations investigated in the parametric study. In general, the Eurocode model, for slender structures on soft soil, overestimates the natural frequency and overall damping, which causes it to underestimate peak acceleration.
The parametric study revealed that the building's first natural frequency and global damping ratio are significantly influenced by the soil stiffness and soil material damping, which can result in various effects on the peak acceleration. In the case of soil material damping, not considering it at all or considering a higher value could lead to 20% overestimation and 40% underestimation of peak acceleration, respectively. Soil stiffness had more intricate effects since it affected the natural frequency and the amount of energy dissipated by the soil radiation damping, the soil material damping and the structure material damping. For particular combinations of parameters, soil stiffness had up to a 40% increase in the peak accelerations compared to the fixed foundation.
The results of this research show that the soil stiffness and soil material damping, for the ranges of properties relevant to the Netherlands, significantly influence the accurate predictions of the wind-induced dynamic response of high-rise buildings. Especially, there was found a higher influence on the dynamic response for the extreme cases of high slenderness ratio structures on very soft soils.