9 records found
Design aspects of UV/H2O2 reactors
Predicting pharmaceutical degradation by UV (MP)/H2O2 processes: A kinetic model
Degradation of pharmaceuticals in UV (LP)/H2O2 reactors simulated by means of kinetic modeling and computational fluid dynamics (CFD)
Determination of reaction rate constants in a collimated beam setup: The effect of water quality and water depth
Predicting pharmaceutical degradation by UV (LP)/H2O2 processes: A kinetic model
Degradation of 40 selected pharmaceuticals by UV/H2O2
Pilot plant results with three different types of uv lamps for advanced oxidation
Modelling micropollutant degradation in UV/H2 O2 systems: Lagrangian versus Eulerian method
Review of photochemical reaction constants of organic micropollutants required for UV advanced oxidation processes in water