17 records found
Problems and issues relating to IT investment evaluation: experiences from Scottish and Benelux studies
No improvement without learning: prerequisites for learning the relations between process and product quality in practice
Management of Large Balanced Scorecard Implementations: Theory and Practice
Investment evaluation of technology-based training systems: training needs analysis in the Royal Norwegian Navy
Managment of IT costs and benefits: results of a quick scan at nine financial situations
From process improvement to people improvement: enabling learning in software development
Evaluating the next generation of information systems: a study of the decision making processes of Scottish and Dutch financial institutions
Cost/benefit evaluation of operational ICT in large financial organisations
The goal/question/metric method: a practical guide for quality improvement of software development
Evaluatie IT-investeringen krijgt onvoldoende prioriteit
Investeringsbeoordeling: de transitie van overhead naar productiemiddel
Automatiseerders negeren investeringsmethoden
Experimental search for optimality in IT decision making
IT-bedrijven halen te weinig uit 'balanced scorecard-methode': methode leidt vaak tot omvangrijke papierwinkel
Investeringsbeoordeling van IT-projecten: een methodische benadering (herz. dr.)
Bedrijfseconomische aspecten