Sophie Berkenbosch

6 records found


Auroras can be observed at the north and south pole of the Earth. At these locations, the Earth magnetic field enters the atmosphere, causing ionization of the atmospheric constituents. Due to this phenomenon, different optical wavelengths are emitted from these constituents, cau ...
Introduction: VenSpec-H (Venus Spectrometer with High resolution), part of ESA’s EnVision M5 mission to Venus, is currently in Phase A (started in January 2019) in which the feasibility of the instrument is studied. The instrument successfully passed the mid-term mission consolid ...
The measurement of NO 2 abundance in the air is of interest for monitoring pollution sources and air quality. A new instrumental concept has been recently introduced, which makes use of an acous ...
In the frame of a mission of the European Space Agency (ESA) a space qualified RF-generator needs to be developed to drive an AOTF (Acousto-Optical Tunable Filter) to make hyper-spectral images of the limb of the Earth. Custom off-the-shelf electronics can not fulfil the requirem ...
In the frame of an ESA-mission (European Space Agency) a RF-generator which can withstand the harsh space environment is being developed. This RF-generator is a part of the ALTIUS-instrument1 (Atmospheric Limb Tracker for the Investigation of the Upcoming Stratosphere). The goal ...
Wide aperture acousto-optical tunable filters (AOTF) appeared in the 70’s and found applications in various areas such as agriculture (crop stress monitoring), food industry (product quality), biology (fluorescence spectroscopy), etc. Their main advantages are the robustness, com ...