The purpose of this thesis is to design robot behavior that stimulates self-disclosure of introverted and extraverted children during an initial interaction. This was done by designing two styles of robot behavior. One behavior style that was specifically adapted to introverted c
The purpose of this thesis is to design robot behavior that stimulates self-disclosure of introverted and extraverted children during an initial interaction. This was done by designing two styles of robot behavior. One behavior style that was specifically adapted to introverted children and one behavior style that was specifically adapted to extraverted children. 41 children interacted with one of the two styles of robot behavior, using a 2 x 2 between subjects design, with child extraversion (extravert vs. introvert) and robot adaptation (behavior style matched with child’s extraversion level vs. behavior style not matched with child’s extraversion level). No significant effect of child extraversion or robot adaptation were found. However, our design did enable the robot to interact autonomously with children. Our design thus can be a building block for future design iterations.