Laura Neumann

4 records found

In order to preserve the in vivo metabolite levels of cells, a quenching protocol must be quickly executed to avoid degradation of labile metabolites either chemically or biologically. In the case of mammalian cell cultures cultivated in complex media, a wash step previous to que ...
Based on the previous demonstration of surface (S-) layer protein glycosylation in Lactobacillus buchneri 41021/251 and because of general advantages of lactic acid bacteria for applied research, protein glycosylation in this bacterial species was investigated in detail. The cell ...
Alpha-l-Iduronidase(IDUA) was the first enzyme replacement therapy approved for mucopolysaccharidosis type I and the corresponding recombinant protein drug, Aldurazyme®, is commercially available. In the frame of gel-based mass spectrometrical characterization of protein drugs, w ...
While it is now evident that the two Bacteroidales species Bacteroides fragilis and Tannerella forsythia both have general O-glycosylation systems and share a common glycosylation sequon, the ability of these organisms to glycosylate a protein native to the other organism has not ...