Chris Hendriks

7 records found


This paper reports the development of a tool to assess the environmental performance of carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) chains. The environmental assessment is done for the whole CCS chain. The tool has been designed to produce transparent and traceable results and is ...

Informed public opinion in the Netherlands

Evaluation of CO 2 capture and storage technologies in comparison with other CO 2 mitigation options

In this study, 995 respondents in a representative sample of the Dutch general population are set in the situation of policymakers: they are faced with the issue of fulfilling the Dutch demand for energy in 2030 in such a way that emissions of carbon dioxide will be reduced by ...

This paper describes the development and application of a methodology to screen and rank Dutch reservoirs suitable for long-term large scale CO2 storage. The screening focuses on off- and on-shore individual aquifers, gas and oil fields. In total 176 storage reservo ...

This paper describes the development and application of an methodology to screen and rank Dutch reservoirs suitable for longterm large scale CO2 storage. The screening is focused on off- and on-shore individual aquifers, gas and oil fields. In total 177 storage reservoirs have be ...
In this study, an Information-Choice Questionnaire (ICQ) was used to find out how a representative sample of the Dutch public (n =971) would evaluate and choose between seven mitigation options after having been thoroughly informed. The results suggest that due to the comparison ...

Sustainability considerations guide political decisions concerning energy supply options. In this article a start has been made for the development of a sustainability framework for carbon capture and storage (CCS) systems in the Netherlands. Using a participatory approach (wh ...

Combined heat and power generation (CHP) is an important option for reducing the primary energy consumption. The share of CHP-related electricity production in the EU-12 decreased from 8% to 6% of the total produced electricity. Exceptions to this trend are Denmark and The Nether ...