Seth Westra
5 records found
To aid decision making about environmental systems under deep uncertainty, robustness metrics are commonly used to represent system performance over a number of scenarios. However, there are many robustness metrics and many ways of generating scenarios, making it difficult to kno
We introduce the Precipitation Probability DISTribution (PPDIST) dataset, a collection of global high-resolution (0.1°) observation-based climatologies (1979–2018) of the occurrence and peak intensity of precipitation (P) at daily and 3-hourly time-scales. The climatologies were
Multiple plausible future scenarios are being used increasingly in preference to a single deterministic or probabilistic prediction of the future in the long-term planning of water resources systems. These scenarios enable the determination of the robustness of a system—the consi
Robustness Metrics
How Are They Calculated, When Should They Be Used and Why Do They Give Different Results?
Robustness is being used increasingly for decision analysis in relation to deep uncertainty and many metrics have been proposed for its quantification. Recent studies have shown that the application of different robustness metrics can result in different rankings of decision alte