J. Aaron Hipp

21 records found

Contact with nature, nature prescriptions, and loneliness

Evidence from an international survey of adults in Australia, India, Singapore, the United Kingdom, and the United States

Evidence to support nature contact and nature prescriptions to reduce loneliness is scant. A total of 2100 individuals took part in a survey conducted in Australia (n = 525, mean age = 34.1), India (n = 526, mean age = 29.5), Singapore (n = 523, mean age = 36.1), the UK (n = 526, ...

Need and Interest in Nature Prescriptions to Protect Cardiovascular and Mental Health

A Nationally-Representative Study With Insights for Future Randomised Trials

Objective: “Nature prescriptions” are increasingly being adopted by health sectors as an adjunct to standard care to attend to health and social needs. We investigated levels of need and interest in nature prescriptions in adults with cardiovascular diseases, psychological distre ...
Overweight and obesity are steadily rising in South Asia, the world’s most populous region. India, a low- and middle-income country in South Asia is experiencing an obesity epidemic. Built environment features may profoundly influence physical activity and counter the risk from o ...
Few studies assess built environment correlates of active commuting in low-and-middle-income countries (LMICs), but the different context could yield distinct findings. Policies and investments to promote active commuting remain under-developed in LMICs like India, which grapples ...
Pokemon GO and its ability to get people moving highlights new beginnings for gamification of health and social life of urban spaces with implications for people–space interaction.@en
Background: Pokémon GO is the most played augmented reality game in history. With more than 44 million players at the peak of its popularity, the game has sparked interest on its effects on the young population’s health. Objective: This pilot study examined motivations to start ...
India is currently facing a non-communicable disease epidemic. Physical activity (PA) is a preventative factor for non-communicable diseases. Understanding the role of the built environment (BE) to facilitate or constrain PA is essential for public health interventions to increas ...
Physical inactivity is the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality, with most of these deaths occurring in low and middle-income countries (LMICs) like India. Research from developed countries has consistently demonstrated associations between built environment features a ...
Dietary behaviors are associated with obesity, and may be influenced by the environment. The objective of the current work was to investigate whether perceptions of built environment factors related to eating in the residential neighborhood will have different, independent associ ...
Introduction Data on built environment (BE) and physical activity (PA) in low- and middle- income countries is sparse. This study compared BE features, PA levels, and weight status among adults living in neighborhoods stratified by walkability and socio-economic status (SES) in t ...
Background Physical inactivity has been associated with obesity and related chronic diseases. Understanding built environment (BE) influences on specific domains of physical activity (PA) around homes and workplaces is important for public health interventions to increase populat ...
Background Promoting the use of public transit and active transport (walking and cycling) instead of car driving is an appealing strategy to increase overall physical activity. Purpose To quantify the combined associations between self-reported home and worksite neighborhood env ...
Introduction: Abundant evidence shows that regular physical activity (PA) is an effective strategy for preventing obesity in people of diverse socioeconomic status (SES) and racial groups. The proportion of PA performed in parks and how this differs by proximate neighborhood SES ...
Evidence correlates physical activity, psychological restoration, and social health to proximity to parks and sites of recreation. The purpose of this study was to identify perceived constraints to park use in low-income communities facing significant health disparities, but with ...
The Archive of Many Outdoor Scenes has captured 400 million images. Many of these cameras and images are of street intersections, a subset of which has experienced built environment improvements during the past seven years. We identified six cameras in Washington, DC, and uploade ...
Introduction: Fewer than 50% of adults and 40% of youth meet US CDC guidelines for physical activity (PA) with the built environment (BE) a culprit for limited PA. A challenge in evaluating policy and BE change is the forethought to capture a priori PA behaviors and the ability t ...