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D vander Wal
Academic Work (3)
Journal article (3)
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3 records found
Continuous monitoring bed-level dynamics on an intertidal flat: Introducing novel, stand-alone high-resolution SED-sensors
Journal article (2015) -
Z. Hu (author)
W Lenting (author)
D vander Wal (author)
TJ Bouma (author)
Windows of opportunity for salt marsh vegetation establishment on bare tidal flats: The importance of temporal and spatial variability in hydrodynamic forcing
Journal article (2015) -
Z. Hu (author)
Jim van Belzen (author)
J van Belzen (author)
D vander Wal (author)
T Balke (author)
Zheng B. Wang (author)
Zheng bing Wang (author)
Z.B. Wang (author)
Zheng Bing Bing Wang (author)
Zhengbing Wang (author)
Zhengbing Bing Wang (author)
Zheng Wang (author)
Zheng bing Bing Wang (author)
Zheng Bing Bing Wang (author)
ZB Bing Wang (author)
Zhengbing Wang (author)
Zheng B. Bing Wang (author)
Zheng Bing Wang (author)
Z. B. Bing Wang (author)
Z. B. Wang (author)
Zhengbing Bing Wang (author)
Z.B. Bing Wang (author)
Zheng Bing Wang (author)
ZB Wang (author)
Zheng Bing Wang (author)
Marcel Stive (author)
MJF Stive (author)
Marcel J.F. Stive (author)
M. J.F. Stive (author)
Marcel J F Stive (author)
TJ Bouma (author)
Hydrodynamic forcing on salt-marsh development: distinguishing the relative importance of waves and tidal flows
Journal article (2010) -
D.P. Callaghan (author)
David P. Callaghan (author)
TJ Bouma (author)
P. Klaassen (author)
D vander Wal (author)
Marcel Stive (author)
MJF Stive (author)
Marcel J F Stive (author)
M. J.F. Stive (author)
Marcel J.F. Stive (author)
PMJ Herman (author)