S. Schenke
9 records found
Propeller cavitation erosion prediction at an early design stage is becoming more and more important since it is one of the key constraints in the search for maximum propeller efficiency. Despite the experience from model tests, cavitation erosion research on actual ship scale is
Cavitation erosion is a problem in the design of a wide range of fluid machinery involving liquid flows. Ship propellers, rudders, hydro pumps and turbines or diesel injectors are some of the most prominent examples. Cavitation occurs at locations of high local flow velocity, whe
Predicting the cavitation impact loads on a propeller surface using numerical tools is becoming essential, as the demand for more efficient designs, stretched to the limit, is increasing. One of the possible design limits is governed by cavitation erosion. The accuracy of estimat
A new technique is proposed in this study to assess the erosive aggressiveness of cavitating flows from numerical flow simulations. The technique is based on the cavitation intensity approach by Leclercq et al. (2017), predicting the instantaneous surface impact power of collapsi
This study presents a novel physical model to convert the potential energy contained in vaporous cavitation into local surface impact power and an acoustic pressure signature caused by the violent collapse of these cavities in a liquid. The model builds on an analytical represent
The erosive aggressiveness of idealized cavities collapsing on a flat surface is investigated by numerical simulation, employing the cavitation intensity approach by Leclercq et al (2017) as a measure of the local energy impact rate. We propose a more straight forward formulation
The effect of finite mass transfer rate in combination with temporal resolution on the dynamics of caviting flows is subject of this study. It will be shown that global flow quantities exhibit convergent behaviour with respect to mass
transfer rate and time step size in incompres
Recent studies have indicated that mass transfer models are able to correctly reflect the sheet cavitation dynamics of inertia driven flows, given that the mass transfer model constants governing the source term magnitude are sufficiently large (Koukouvinis and Gavaises 2015) and
One of the key aspects classifying the various approaches in numerical simulation of cavitating flows is the equilibrium flow assumption. It states that internal processes in the flow always occur instantaneously compared to the time scale of the flow (s. Sezal (2009)). As a con